Saturday, August 30, 2014

Never be afraid to push the reset button

As summer ends, I realize I have no control over what other people think, say or especially what they do. What I do realize if I'm in a situation that is not healthy for me spiritually, mentally or physically then I have the power to remove myself from it without the worry of repercussions. My life is very valuable to the ones I love and love me. My happiness in non negotiable anymore.

Life will challenge us all the time, and when it does we have to assess; how does this make me feel? how will I benefit from this? and will this challenge help me progress or regress? Life is so short so spending it with the people I love is very important. Moments are just that, moments but what we choose to do with the moments is what makes them so special. I choose to embrace all the moments I have left in life good bad and ugly, and take it all in, moments turn into memories and life turns into minutes then seconds and its how you choose to spend each is totally up to you. 

My time is exactly that, my time, no one can waste it but me, no one has that power, if I'm not passionate about what I'm doing anymore I will stop and figure out am I doing it wrong or maybe I'm no longer getting the satisfaction I used to get from doing it. The gift to push the reset button is the ultimate reward.

The same with people, it they are not around to build me up they are only there to bring me down. I understand a woman like me with a spirit that is so full and loving is hard to handle for most, but this is who GOD made me and I love who I am, and I refuse to Dim my light to make you feel comfortable in your skin and if you don't like it, here's your choice.... stay away. 

I've loved I've lost and I continue to learn and I understand this is a part of my life and I accept the challenge.

~secrets keep us sick~

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