Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year, what changes have you made in your love life?  I made some

Well, its been awhile since I blogged and mostly because Ive been pretty busy working on myself, my marriage and what direction I wanted my life to go in.

During  this time and  these changes, I realized how little control I had over my life and why all the decisions I was trying to make were always  unsuccessful. I really began to question, Is it me? am I crazy, are things falling apart around me because of something I'm doing wrong or something I did wrong or even someone. Then, out of nowhere I was instructed to get on my knees, I begin to pray, and pray and pray and one day it just came to me"Stephanie you have tried everything else, now try GOD".... 

I was always a believer in what will be will be, and now that I have committed my life to GOD and every  decision I make he has to be in it this new way of thinking made me realize that this is what was missing from my life. Ive been lied too, deceived by many, taken advantage of by the ones who called me friend. I was very bitter, often revengful, because I couldn't understand WHY ME. until my GOD answered "WHY NOT"I had been walking without faith for so many years that eventually all my skeletons would catch up to me..and my grass would get cut and the snakes would be revealed and they did, and I am so grateful to sit here tonight and be at peace with who I am, I feel deserving, I have no regrets Im a honest woman, a smart woman, a wonderful mother, a tarnished solider, a fighter for love a survivour, and a winner! and I know these things becasue of the love Ive found!

It feels good to know that any battle that may come my way I will not fight alone, and I pray for my foes, for all the lost souls still wondering through life blinded and aimlessly lost and still looking for what will never exist without his hands being in it.

  So tonight I asked "what changes have you made in your love life", well... I have fallen in love with myself, by the way of GOD because no man will ever love me, like he does.

Happy New You,
Never stop searching for the truth
and don't be afraid to hear it when it comes

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